024 How to Create Engaging Polls That Actually Get Responses

In the ever-growing world of social media and digital marketing, engagement is king! 👑 Whether you’re trying to grow your audience, learn more about your followers, or simply boost interaction on your posts, polls are one of the easiest and most effective tools to use. But here’s the catch: not all polls are created equal. Some polls get tons of responses, while others… well, they’re just crickets. 🦗

So, how do you create polls that actually get responses? Buckle up, because we’re about to dive into some fun and actionable tips to make your polls the talk of the (social media) town!

Why Polls?

Let’s start with the obvious: Why should you even bother with polls? Well, aside from being an effortless way to gather valuable insights, polls offer several benefits:

  • Increased engagement: Polls encourage users to interact with your content.
  • Real-time feedback: Need to know what your audience wants? Polls give you instant results!
  • Building relationships: Polls can create a two-way conversation with your followers.
  • Algorithm love: Social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram reward engagement. More votes = more algorithm love!

But enough with the “why” – let’s talk about how to make them fun, engaging, and impossible to resist.

Step 1: Choose a Topic People Care About

The secret to a great poll starts with the topic. If you ask something that nobody cares about, guess what? No one’s going to answer. Shocking, right? The key is to choose a topic that sparks curiosity, opinions, or even a little friendly debate. Ask yourself:

  • What do my followers care about?
  • What will get them thinking or laughing?
  • Is this question relevant to my niche?

Example: If you’re a food blogger, instead of asking, “Do you like food?” (uhh, duh 🧐), try something more exciting like: “Which would you give up forever: pizza or tacos ?”

Now that is a question worth debating!

Step 2: Keep It Simple, Keep It Fun

Your poll should be simple enough that people can answer in a split second. Nobody wants to work too hard to engage with a poll, so avoid overcomplicating it. The best polls are straightforward and easy to understand at first glance.

Example: “Coffee or tea?” This is a classic, but it’s simple, fun, and sparks quick responses!

Also, don’t be afraid to make your poll lighthearted and humorous. Injecting some fun will make people more likely to engage.

Example: “If you could only eat one breakfast for the rest of your life, would it be pancakes or cereal ? (Sorry, bacon lovers!)”

Step 3: Offer a ‘This or That’ Choice

We humans love to choose between two options. It’s just something wired into us. That’s why “This or That” polls work so well. Limiting your poll to two choices increases the chance of quick engagement because it’s so easy for your audience to choose.

Example: “Which season is better: Summer or Winter ?”

This or That questions are gold when you want a ton of responses fast.

Step 4: Make It Relatable

People are far more likely to engage with a poll that speaks directly to them and their experiences. A great poll taps into something your audience can personally relate to, whether it’s a daily struggle, a favorite hobby, or a shared experience.

Example: “Which one are you: Early bird or Night owl ?”

Everyone knows where they stand on this one, and they’ll be eager to share their side.

Step 5: Add Emojis and Visuals

Let’s face it, we live in a world of short attention spans, and people are more likely to engage with something visually appealing. Adding emojis or relevant images can make your poll more eye-catching and fun!

Example: “What’s the best ice cream flavor? Chocolate or Vanilla ?”

Not only does this make the poll more playful, but it also stands out in a sea of text-heavy content.

Step 6: Encourage Responses with Follow-Ups

Want even more interaction? Don’t just leave your poll hanging – encourage your audience to share why they voted the way they did. A little follow-up question can lead to more comments and even deeper engagement.

Example: “Why did you choose pizza over tacos? Let me know in the comments!”

Now you’ve turned a simple poll into a full-blown conversation. Well done!

Step 7: Time It Right

Timing is everything, especially on social media. Post your polls when your audience is most active to maximize responses. If you’re posting on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, check your insights to see when your followers are online and most likely to engage. For most platforms, mornings and evenings tend to work best.

Step 8: Give People a Reason to Care

Sometimes people need a little nudge to vote in your poll. One way to do this is by tying the poll into something bigger – a product launch, a new content series, or even a prize.

Example: “We’re launching a new product, and we need your help deciding! Vote in our poll, and we’ll pick one lucky participant to win a free !”

Even if there’s no prize involved, making people feel like their vote matters can lead to higher engagement.

Step 9: Post Your Poll on the Right Platform

Different platforms have different audiences and engagement styles. Instagram Stories and Facebook are great for fun, fast polls. LinkedIn, on the other hand, might be better for industry-specific questions that spark professional discussions. Be sure to tailor your polls to the audience on each platform.

Example: On Instagram: “Which vacation is calling your name: Beach or Mountains ?” On LinkedIn: “Do you think remote work will continue to grow in 2024? Yes or No.”

Step 10: Share the Results!

Don’t forget to share the results of your poll once it’s over! People love to see how others voted, and it can even spark further discussions. You could post a follow-up with a graphic showing the results and ask your audience if they agree with the outcome.

Example: “Looks like 70% of you prefer pizza to tacos! What’s the best pizza topping? Let’s keep the debate going!”

Conclusion: Make Your Polls Irresistible!

Creating engaging polls that get responses doesn’t have to be rocket science. With the right topic, a dash of fun, and a sprinkle of visuals, you can create polls that have your audience rushing to vote. Whether you’re looking to boost engagement or just start a fun conversation, polls are a quick and easy way to do it.

Now, it’s your turn! Give these tips a try, and watch your polls light up with responses.

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