039 Creating Engaging ‘Behind the Scenes’ Content: A Fun, Effective Way to Connect with Your Audience

If you’ve ever found yourself binge-watching behind-the-scenes footage from your favorite TV show or movie, you know how compelling a sneak peek can be. The magic of ‘behind the scenes’ (BTS) content is its ability to draw you in, making you feel like an insider. But here’s the secret—it’s not just Hollywood that can benefit from BTS content. Whether you’re a small business owner, content creator, or brand manager, sharing behind-the-scenes material can be a powerful strategy to build trust, engage your audience, and add a personal touch to your brand.

In this blog post, we’ll explore why BTS content works so well, how to create engaging BTS content, and how to make it a staple in your digital strategy without turning your audience into a bored, yawning crowd.

Why ‘Behind the Scenes’ Content Works So Well

There’s a reason BTS content works like a charm—it humanizes your brand. Let’s be real: people like knowing there are actual humans behind their favorite products, content, or services. The more relatable you are, the easier it is to build connections with your audience.

Here’s why it’s so effective:

  1. Transparency Builds Trust: When you show how things are made, who’s involved, and the thought process behind your work, you open a window into your world. This transparency fosters trust. Your audience feels like they know you and your brand on a deeper level.
  2. Authenticity Rules: Polished content is great, but today’s audiences are craving authenticity. Showing the real, unpolished moments—whether it’s a creative brainstorm session, a photoshoot gone wrong, or team members having a laugh—makes you more relatable.
  3. Creates Emotional Connections: People connect with stories, not faceless brands. BTS content gives you an opportunity to share your journey, struggles, and wins in a way that evokes emotion. And when your audience feels emotionally connected to your brand, they’re more likely to engage and stay loyal.

Types of ‘Behind the Scenes’ Content You Can Create

Now that you know why it works, let’s look at the different types of BTS content you can create. The possibilities are endless, but here are some ideas to get you started:

1. Product or Service Development

Take your audience on the journey of how your products or services are created. This could involve:

  • Design Process: Show sketches, blueprints, or mockups, and discuss how your product goes from concept to final form.
  • Prototyping: Share the iterations and changes you go through before landing on the final version.
  • Manufacturing: Give a tour of your workspace or factory, showing where the magic happens.

For example, if you sell handmade jewelry, you could show the intricate process of crafting each piece, from selecting materials to finishing touches.

2. Team Spotlights

Put faces to the names behind your brand by spotlighting your team members. This can involve:

  • Day-in-the-Life Videos: Follow a team member through their day, showcasing the tasks and challenges they face.
  • Team Introductions: Have each member share what they do and what they love about working for your company.
  • Candid Moments: Share informal moments, like office pranks or team lunches, to show the human side of your business.

This is especially effective for small businesses or startups where team culture and personality are a big part of the brand.

3. Behind-the-Scenes of Content Creation

If you’re a content creator, sharing how you make your content can be fascinating for your audience. This might include:

  • Behind-the-Camera: Show how your photoshoots, video shoots, or podcast recordings go down, including any funny bloopers or challenges.
  • Editing Process: Share screenshots or videos of your editing process, whether you’re working on photos, videos, or even a blog post.
  • Creative Process: Talk about how you come up with ideas, from brainstorming sessions to final execution.

This type of BTS content resonates well with fellow creators, as it offers insights into your process and can be educational for those looking to improve their own skills.

4. Live Events and Launches

Got a product launch, event, or new release? Give your audience a sneak peek:

  • Event Prep: Show the chaos and excitement that happens behind the scenes while setting up for a product launch, workshop, or event.
  • Real-Time Updates: Go live or post stories showing in-the-moment action, such as setting up booths, last-minute fixes, or even celebratory moments.
  • Exclusive Sneak Peeks: Tease parts of your upcoming launch before it’s officially released, building excitement and anticipation.

5. Customer Interactions and Feedback

Show the real-life impact your business has on your customers:

  • Customer Testimonials: Feature customers talking about their experiences with your brand, either in a casual interview or during an event.
  • User-Generated Content: Share behind-the-scenes clips of customers using your product in their daily lives.
  • Support and Service: Highlight how you engage with your customers in support chats, answer their questions, or work through troubleshooting.

Sharing your connection with customers shows that your business is customer-focused and committed to delivering quality service.

Tips for Creating Engaging ‘Behind the Scenes’ Content

Now that you’ve got some ideas for what to create, let’s make sure it’s engaging. Here are a few tips:

1. Keep It Real, Not Perfect

The appeal of BTS content is in its authenticity. It doesn’t need to be perfectly polished. In fact, showing mistakes, mishaps, or the less glamorous parts of your process can make it more engaging. Let your audience see the mess, the laughter, the problem-solving—that’s what makes it relatable.

2. Involve Your Audience

Make your audience feel like part of the journey by asking for their input or feedback. If you’re designing a new product, show a few options and ask your followers which one they like best. If you’re setting up an event, ask for tips or share behind-the-scenes polls. The more involved they feel, the more invested they’ll become.

3. Tell a Story

Don’t just throw random clips together—tell a story. Whether it’s the story of how you developed a product or the journey of your team pulling off an event, have a beginning, middle, and end. This will keep your audience engaged and make the content more memorable.

4. Keep It Short and Sweet

Attention spans are short these days. Make sure your BTS content is digestible. If you’re creating videos, aim for clips under two minutes. If you’re posting photos, keep the captions brief and to the point. You want to give your audience a taste of what’s happening behind the scenes without overwhelming them.

5. Use Different Platforms

BTS content works well across platforms, but the format should match the medium. For example, Instagram Stories are great for real-time, casual updates, while YouTube might be better for a more in-depth behind-the-scenes video. Make sure you’re tailoring your content to the platform.

Conclusion: ‘Behind the Scenes’ Content Is Your Secret Weapon

In a world where everyone is competing for attention, ‘behind the scenes’ content can be your secret weapon. It humanizes your brand, fosters trust, and gives your audience a reason to stay engaged. Whether you’re sharing product development, team dynamics, or event preparations, BTS content offers a glimpse into the real, unfiltered side of your business.

So, don’t be afraid to pull back the curtain and let your audience in. After all, they’re not just interested in the final product—they want to see how the magic happens.

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