038 Why Sharing Other People’s Content Can Be a Brilliant Strategy

When it comes to social media marketing and content creation, we often think we need to be constantly producing original, groundbreaking material to keep our audience engaged. While creating your own content is important, there’s another strategy that can be just as effective (and way less stressful): sharing other people’s content.

Yes, you heard that right. Sharing other people’s work can be one of the smartest things you do for your brand or business. Don’t worry—it’s not “cheating” or taking the easy way out. In fact, it’s a strategy that can build credibility, foster relationships, and provide consistent value to your audience without the endless pressure to reinvent the wheel. So, why not let the brilliance of others work in your favor?

In this post, we’ll dive into why sharing content isn’t just a lazy shortcut but a clever strategy to grow your brand.

You’re Not the Only Expert—And That’s Okay

Here’s the truth: You don’t have to be the sole authority on every subject. Let’s face it, there’s no way you can know everything about everything (unless you’re a superhero, in which case, carry on). Sharing content from other thought leaders and experts in your industry is an acknowledgment that you value multiple perspectives and recognize others’ contributions.

By curating valuable content from various sources, you’re telling your audience: “Hey, I’m here to provide you with the best information possible, and sometimes that means sharing insights from other experts.” This boosts your credibility because it shows that you’re more interested in providing value than hogging the spotlight.

SEO Tip:

When you share relevant, high-quality content from authoritative websites, you increase the chances of backlinks and engagement from your audience. It signals to search engines that your site is part of a larger, trusted network.

It’s a Time-Saver (and Sanity Saver)

Let’s be honest: churning out high-quality, original content on a regular basis can be exhausting. Writer’s block is real, and the pressure to constantly be creative can sometimes suck the fun right out of it. That’s where sharing curated content comes in handy. It gives you the chance to take a breather while still keeping your social media feed or blog active and engaging.

Instead of scrambling to create something new every single day, you can mix up your content strategy by sharing articles, videos, and infographics that resonate with your audience. This helps you stay consistent and keeps your content calendar full without burning out.

Think of it this way: by sharing other people’s content, you’re essentially outsourcing part of the creative work while still delivering value. And in today’s fast-paced digital world, staying active and visible is key to keeping your audience engaged.

SEO Tip:

Sharing content from diverse sources adds variety to your site or social media feed, keeping your audience coming back for more. Also, make sure to add commentary or your own spin on the shared content. This way, you’re still offering original insight while boosting your SEO through relevant, keyword-rich posts.

Build Relationships with Thought Leaders

Here’s one of the less obvious but incredibly important benefits: sharing other people’s content helps build relationships with industry influencers and thought leaders. When you consistently share and credit content from experts in your niche, they’ll start to notice.

Think about it: if someone shares your blog post or retweets your video, you’re more likely to take note of them, right? Sharing content builds goodwill and can open the door to collaborations, guest posts, shoutouts, or even partnerships down the road.

It’s like giving a virtual high-five to someone you admire. Over time, those high-fives could turn into real conversations and collaborations that benefit both parties.

SEO Tip:

When influencers or content creators notice that you consistently share their work, they’re more likely to engage with your content, link back to your website, or even share your posts. This can result in valuable backlinks and an increase in your own authority.

Providing Value Beyond What You Create

No matter how brilliant your content is, your audience will benefit from a diversity of voices. Sharing other people’s content allows you to bring additional value to your audience by exposing them to ideas and insights they may not have discovered otherwise.

For example, if you’re a business consultant, your audience may appreciate not only your advice but also articles on personal development, industry trends, or leadership from other respected figures. This makes your brand a one-stop-shop for useful information, even if some of that information comes from external sources.

Your audience will appreciate that you’re curating content with their needs in mind. And when people find your content valuable, they’ll keep coming back for more—even if you didn’t write every word of it.

SEO Tip:

When you share content that’s valuable and relevant to your audience, they are more likely to engage with it, share it themselves, or spend more time on your site—factors that can positively impact your search engine rankings.

Reduce the Risk of Over-Promotion

Let’s be real: no one enjoys following a brand or business that’s constantly promoting itself. The hard sell gets old, fast. By sharing content from other sources, you break up your self-promotional posts with valuable, informative content. This balance makes you look less like a salesperson and more like a thought leader who genuinely wants to educate and engage.

When your content mix includes external resources, tips, news, and helpful articles, it doesn’t feel like you’re just shouting “BUY MY STUFF!” every other post. Instead, you come across as someone who’s genuinely invested in the success of your audience.

SEO Tip:

A balanced content strategy that focuses on providing value rather than just promoting your services can help increase time on site, reduce bounce rates, and improve overall engagement—all of which are good for SEO.

Engage Your Audience with Fresh Perspectives

Sharing content from others allows you to introduce fresh perspectives that keep your audience engaged. You can spark conversations, debates, and discussions by posting content that challenges, complements, or expands on your own ideas.

For instance, you could share an article that presents a different viewpoint and ask your followers what they think. This kind of engagement shows that you’re open-minded and encourages more interaction from your audience.

When you encourage discussion, you not only increase engagement but also get valuable insights into what your audience cares about. These insights can help inform your future content strategy, making it even more relevant to your followers.

SEO Tip:

Encouraging discussion and engagement with shared content can help your posts get more likes, shares, and comments, which can lead to better social signals that benefit your search engine rankings.

How to Share Content Without Being Lazy

Of course, there’s a right way to share content and a wrong way. Simply posting a link with zero context isn’t going to do much for your brand. Here are a few tips to help you share content effectively:

  1. Add Your Own Commentary: Don’t just share the link—add your own thoughts or insights. This gives your audience context and shows that you’re not just mindlessly posting. It’s also a great way to keep the conversation going.
  2. Credit the Original Source: Always give credit where it’s due. Tag the original author or source, and thank them for creating great content. This not only builds relationships but also shows that you respect intellectual property.
  3. Tailor Content to Your Audience: Don’t just share any random piece of content. Make sure it aligns with your brand and provides value to your audience. Think about what they’d find interesting, informative, or helpful.

SEO Tip:

Always link to authoritative, high-quality sources when sharing content. Search engines reward sites that connect with other trusted websites, improving your domain authority over time.

Conclusion: Sharing Isn’t Just Caring—It’s Smart Strategy

At the end of the day, sharing other people’s content is a smart, savvy way to maintain a strong online presence without the constant pressure to create. It saves time, builds relationships, provides additional value to your audience, and keeps your content varied and engaging. By curating content wisely, you can build a reputation as a trusted resource while nurturing relationships with other creators and industry influencers.

So, go ahead—hit that “share” button and start leveraging the brilliance of others as part of your content strategy. You might be surprised at how effective it can be!

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